My Makeup Hack For Flawless-Looking Foundation

Despite me not liking to wear makeup outside of the house, I enjoy playing around with it. My favorite part is foundation and concealer. Although I cannot make sure that the hack will work on you, it’s definitely worth giving it a try. You often hear beauty gurus making their beauty blenders or makeup sponges damp but my favorite way to go about it is to spray water or green tea on my face (You can always re-spray it if it dries up before you can apply your product). Another thing that I love doing is to use concealer instead of foundation. The product I use is Maybelline Pure Minerals Concealer in the darkest shade (Yes, I’m been darkened by the sun ^^; ). I’ll write up an additional review on it.

Product Review

Coverage/Camouflage: Good but could be better (You have to layer it up)

Texture/Consistency: Good, very smooth.

Overall for the price: Good enough, was a bit pricey for a small bottle.

I hope you could keep up with my random review ^^;

This is the way I like to use it: I spray my face with water/green tea, dot the concealer on my whole face, concentrating more on my under-eyes, forehead and nose. I’ll usually have to re-spray over the concealer for the water dries up very quickly. I spread it slightly, it’s a bit harder to do so because of the water. I use a round makeup sponge and I like to roll it just a tiny bit to make it look like a rounded half (Like when you curl your tongue) and blend it out. I’re-apply to places I might need it more. That’s it. I hope this will help you!